By supporting the well-being of cancer stricken children, you make it possible for Leucan to be present with the families at each step of this difficult period and even after treatments.

Every donation brings direct support to families in great need; your contribution to the cause can make a real difference in the daily lives of those families. Discover the good you could do by choosing to stand with Leucan.

Fight Cancer and Improve Treatments

By giving to Leucan, you invest in clinical research to fight childhood cancer and improve treatments. You contribute to:

  • Increasing the survival rates
  • Reducing side effects
  • Improving the quality of life of survivors by minimizing the risk of sequelae

Comfort, Inform, and Guide

Thanks to you, families have access to a reference point at all times, from wherever they are. Your gifts enable Leucan to:

  • Ensure case management within hours of the diagnosis
  • Provide access to comprehensive information on childhood cancer 24/7 via the Leucan Information Centre
  • Assign a Family Services Agent to each family of Leucan to continue to support families, even at home

Alleviate Physical and Psychological Pain

Your concern makes it possible for Leucan to listen to the physical and emotional needs expressed by children and their families. By giving, you contribute to:

  • Reducing pain and stress, thanks to massage therapy services
  • Giving access to psychological support
  • Reassuring and comforting grieving families

Break Families out of their Isolation and Contribute to their Well-being

Your donations break children and families out of the isolation caused by illness. You provide them with:

  • Hospital playrooms hosted by educators
  • Safe socio-recreational activities where families can meet and exchange with other families coping with a similar situation
  • Smooth back-to-school transition for affected children

Provide financial assistance

Your gifts help families to survive financially because nobody plans for a cancer diagnosis in their budget. Thanks to you, Leucan’s financial assistance includes:

  • An initial grant to all families of a newly diagnosed child as well as quarterly support grants
  • An emergency fund
  • A financial assistance program for post-treatment sequelae

Leucan Donate