Leucan is happy to announce the implication of two new giants as part of the 40 Giants for Leucan campaign. Leucan wants to thank Véronique Tougas, Présidente, Groupe Cambli Inc. and Mr. Pierre-Luc Richard, Principal Geologist, BBA Inc., who have both committed to give $40,000 to allow the Association to carry its mission even further.
The funds raised as part of this major campaign will will serve to consolidate and increase funding for clinical research and to improve the support available to survivors coping with sequelae.
“As a survivor of teen cancer who will soon turn 40, obviously, this campaign speaks to me on a profound level. I commend the initiative to gear this campaign towards research, but also the sequelae faced by survivors. I was fortunate enough to suffer no sequelae, to continue my education, and to pursue a continuously rewarding career. Being aware that this is not the reality of all of those who travelled the same road, it’s a huge honour for me to contribute to this campaign. I fully realise how incredibly lucky I am to be in a position to be able to give back.’’ explains Mr. Richard.
“Those little rays of sunshine deserve to have us stand by their side during their long battle, as do families whose world is turned upside down. They make such huge sacrifices; supporting them is the least we can do.’’ underlines Mrs. Tougas.
To be part of the 40 Giants for Leucan campaign is to make a concrete gesture at the right time.
Visit 40giants.com to learn more about the campaign and know the reasons why 14 Giants have committed to this campaign until now.